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Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter

On Saturday, I marched alongside 35,000 New Yorkers from all walks of life: healthcare professionals, coworkers, cyclists, elected officials, and friends. Contrary to what the news would like to show, the protests here in New York have not been filled with looting and violence. After marching 7 miles across Manhattan and Brooklyn, what I witnessed was cheering from homes, restaurants, and cars, the generosity of strangers, the stories of the brave, and the fearlessness of friends.

I don’t know where I will be in 10 years, but Saturday was one of my top 5 memories of living in NYC.

Helpful links to make change.

Justice for Breonna Taylor - SIGN THIS PETITION.

Justice for George Floyd - SIGN THIS PETITION.

Census 2020 - Fill out the census, shape our future.

Register to VOTE - if you haven’t.

Fairvote.org - Information on voting and the topics of the upcoming election.

Stepforward.care - Links to support black and LGBTQ+ organizations.

Donate to the National Bail Fund - support people arrested for demanding justice against police violence.

Ben & Jerry: 12 Ways You Can Help Eradicate White Supremacy - What is better than ice cream and ending white supremacy?

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Kimberly Jones’ video is one the most profound videos I have ever seen. I think everyone needs to watch it. I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat after it.

You broke the contract when you killed us in the streets and didn’t give a fuck.
— Kimberly Jones.


Ending the post with the song we chanted/sang in the streets last weekend. After kneeling past curfew the protesters chanted this song in-front of the police in riot gear. Brooklyn chants > Manhattan Chants.

We Shall Overcome

We Shall Overcome

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter